2005/06/09 | 滚动字幕组件用到的类
类别(Flash) | 评论(1) | 阅读(262) | 发表于 11:04
//Copyright (C) 2005 西部之光Software. All Rights Reserved.
//This is a product to study how to build a V2 Component
import mx.core.UIObject;
import FontName;
class Roll_title extends UIObject {
    private var containter:MovieClip;
    public var mask:MovieClip;
    private var rect:Boolean;
    private var Point:MovieClip;
    private var txt:String;
    private var _txtcolor:Number;
    public var _rectcolor:Number;
    public var _font:String;
    private var dir:String;
    private var _speed:String;
    private var _maskWidth:String;
    private var len:Number;
    private var myformat:TextFormat;
    private var myArray:Array;
    private var font_array:Array;
    private var i:Number;
    public function set 文本(Text:String):Void {
        txt = Text;
    public function get 文本():String {
        return txt;
    function set 滚动方向(val:String) {
        this.dir = val;
    function get 滚动方向():String {
        return dir;
    function set 边框显示(val:Boolean) {
        rect = val;
    function get 边框显示():Boolean {
        return rect;
    function set 边框颜色(val:Number):Color {
        _rectcolor = val;
    function get 边框颜色():Number {
        return _rectcolor;
    [Inspectable(type="Font Name"defaultvalue="Arial Black")]
    function set 字体(val) {
        _font = val;
    function get 字体():String {
        return _font;
    function set 文字颜色(val:Number):Color {
        _txtcolor = val;
    function get 文字颜色():Number {
        return _txtcolor;
    function set 滚动速度(val:String):String {
        _speed = val;
    function get 滚动速度():String {
        return _speed;
    function set 宽度(val:String):String {
        _maskWidth = val;
    function get 宽度():String {
        return _maskWidth;
    function Roll_title() {
        switch (this.dir) {
        case "自右向左" :
        case "自左向右" :
        case "自上向下" :
        case "自下向上" :
        default :
    function RToL():Void {
        attachMovie("containter", "containter", 1);
        containter.createTextField("otpt", 2, 0, 0, txt.length*11, 20);
        containter.otpt.border = false;
        containter.otpt.text = txt;
        myformat = new TextFormat();
        myformat.color = this._txtcolor;
        myformat.bullet = false;
        myformat.underline = false;
        myformat.font = _font;
        attachMovie("mask", "mask", 3);
        mask._height = containter._height;
        mask._width = txt.length*2*_maskWidth;
        mask._x = -mask._width/2;
        mask._y = containter._y;
        if (rect == "是") {
            createEmptyMovieClip("Point", 4);
            with (Point) {
                moveTo(this.mask._x, this.mask._y);
                lineStyle(1, this._rectcolor, 100);
                lineTo(this.mask._x+this.mask._width, this.mask._y);
                lineTo(this.mask._x+this.mask._width, this.mask._y+this.mask._height);
                lineTo(this.mask._x, this.mask._y+this.mask._height);
                lineTo(this.mask._x, this.mask._y);
        containter._x = mask._x+mask._width;
        onEnterFrame = function () {
            if (containter.hitTest(mask)) {
                containter._x -= _speed;
            } else {
                containter._x = mask._x+mask._width;
    function LToR() {
        myArray = new Array();
        len = txt.length;
        for (var i = 0; i<=len; i++) {
            myArray[i] = txt.substr(i, 1);
        txt = "";
        for (var i = 0; i<=len; i++) {
            txt += myArray[i];
        attachMovie("containter", "containter", 1);
        containter.createTextField("otpt", 2, 0, 0, txt.length*11, 20);
        containter.otpt.border = false;
        containter.otpt.text = txt;
        myformat = new TextFormat();
        myformat.color = this._txtcolor;
        myformat.bullet = false;
        myformat.underline = false;
        myformat.font = _font;
        attachMovie("mask", "mask", 3);
        mask._height = containter._height;
        mask._width = txt.length*2*_maskWidth;
        mask._x = -mask._width/2;
        mask._y = 0;
        if (rect == "是") {
            createEmptyMovieClip("Point", 4);
            with (Point) {
                moveTo(this.mask._x, this.mask._y);
                lineStyle(1, this._rectcolor, 100);
                lineTo(this.mask._x+this.mask._width, this.mask._y);
                lineTo(this.mask._x+this.mask._width, this.mask._y+this.mask._height);
                lineTo(this.mask._x, this.mask._y+this.mask._height);
                lineTo(this.mask._x, this.mask._y);
        containter._x = mask._x-containter._width;
        onEnterFrame = function () {
            if (containter.hitTest(mask)) {
                containter._x += _speed;
            } else {
                containter._x = mask._x-containter._width;
    function BToT() {
        attachMovie("containter", "containter", 1);
        containter.createTextField("otpt", 2, 0, 0, txt.length*2, 100);
        containter.otpt.border = false;
        containter.otpt.multiline = true;
        containter.otpt.wordWrap = true;
        containter.otpt.autoSize = true;
        containter.otpt.text = txt;
        myformat = new TextFormat();
        myformat.color = this._txtcolor;
        myformat.bullet = false;
        myformat.underline = false;
        myformat.font = _font;
        attachMovie("mask", "mask", 3);
        mask._height = containter._height;
        mask._width = containter._width*_maskWidth;
        containter.otpt._width *= _maskWidth;
        mask._x = containter._x;
        mask._y = containter._y;
        if (rect == "是") {
            createEmptyMovieClip("Point", 4);
            with (Point) {
                moveTo(this.mask._x, this.mask._y);
                lineStyle(1, this._rectcolor, 100);
                lineTo(this.mask._x+this.mask._width, this.mask._y);
                lineTo(this.mask._x+this.mask._width, this.mask._y+this.mask._height);
                lineTo(this.mask._x, this.mask._y+this.mask._height);
                lineTo(this.mask._x, this.mask._y);
        containter._y = mask._y+mask._height;
        onEnterFrame = function () {
            if (containter.hitTest(mask)) {
                containter._y -= _speed;
            } else {
                containter._y = mask._y+mask._height;
    function TToB() {
        myArray = new Array();
        len = txt.length;
        for (var i = 0; i<=len; i++) {
            myArray[i] = txt.substr(i, 1);
        txt = "";
        for (var i = 0; i<=len; i++) {
            txt += myArray[i];
        attachMovie("containter", "containter", 1);
        containter.createTextField("otpt", 2, 0, 0, txt.length*2, 100);
        containter.otpt.border = false;
        containter.otpt.multiline = true;
        containter.otpt.wordWrap = true;
        containter.otpt.autoSize = true;
        containter.otpt.text = txt;
        myformat = new TextFormat();
        myformat.color = this._txtcolor;
        myformat.bullet = false;
        myformat.underline = false;
        myformat.font = _font;
        attachMovie("mask", "mask", 3);
        mask._height = containter._height;
        mask._width = containter._width*_maskWidth;
        containter.otpt._width *= _maskWidth;
        mask._x = containter._x;
        mask._y = containter._y;
        if (rect == "是") {
            createEmptyMovieClip("Point", 4);
            with (Point) {
                moveTo(this.mask._x, this.mask._y);
                lineStyle(1, this._rectcolor, 100);
                lineTo(this.mask._x+this.mask._width, this.mask._y);
                lineTo(this.mask._x+this.mask._width, this.mask._y+this.mask._height);
                lineTo(this.mask._x, this.mask._y+this.mask._height);
                lineTo(this.mask._x, this.mask._y);
        containter._y = mask._y-containter._height;
        onEnterFrame = function () {
            if (containter.hitTest(mask)) {
                containter._y += _speed;
            } else {
                containter._y = mask._y-containter._height;


2005/7/1 21:45:43
<< 1


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